Defranco's Agile-8
Squat -
Split Front Squats - 55X10X3
Front Squats - 95X8X2, 105X8
Defranco's BLAB Core Circuit #2 - X1
100 yard incline sprints - 10 minutes
Really successful squat session. 225 is a 5 Rep PR, and possibly projects to an increased 1RM as well. Really focused this session on keeping upper body tight, and keeping my knees out on the way up.
Form on the split squats is getting better though I had to make a major tweak in this session. I'd been hoping the way to clean these up was to lift out the bar, and then step back with one foot and squat. Unfortunately, I hit the squat stands on one of my reps that way today. So now I've got to take a baby step out with each foot before taking one big step back with the off-foot. Because I'm still so much in the learning curve on these, I'm going to stick with this movement for the next cycle. I want to make sure I get everything ironed out on this movement before I advance to elevating the off-foot.
Full front squats are coming along pretty well. I thought I'd get that 105 for 10 reps, but I had to settle for the 8 rep PR.
I thought my abs were better recovered from the pounding they got last week, but I was only able to do 1 circuit of the 2nd Defranco core cycle. I had to take short rests between movements as well.
I got about 8 sprints in the 10 minutes. This is my new baseline now that I have the distance pegged.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
3 days ago
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