Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Greyskull LP. Session 16

BW - 229

Bench - 202.5X5, 5, 9

Chin-ups (strict) - BWX5, 5, 4

Deadlift - 345X6

Blah session.  Super sporadic training schedule felt like it caught up with me a bit.  Really need to get back on track.

202.5X9 is a Rep PR on Bench, though not surprising considering the run of 10 rep PR sessions leading up to it.  On the 2nd work set, I felt that 10 probably wouldn't be there on the AMRAP set, and hoped to get 8.  Glad I at least beat that.

I was supposed to start microloading chins today, but everything felt so off, I thought I'd just do BW sets...and didn't even get all of those.  Blah.

Thought I might beat 6 on Deadlift, but I rushed a bit through the first 4 reps, and didn't have enough left in the tank to try and pull 7.

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