Monday, September 17, 2012

5/3/1 Full-Body: Cycle 4. Week 2. Bench


LRB Diet - Week 8

BW - 197

Pause Squats -
BarX10, 10
135X3, 3
160, 185, 215X3

Bench -
BarX10, 10
95X5, 5
120, 135X3

Pull-ups - BWX1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3

Chins (neutral grip) - BWX5, 5, 5, 5, 8

Hypers - 3 sets of 15

Okay, pause squats felt a little heavy on the last two sets.  Really hoping I catch up to these weights over the next two weeks.

However, bench was a tiny all-around PR close-grip and pausing every rep.  Bench is finally moving a little bit these last couple week, and that feels nice.

Pull-ups felt a bit more challenging this week on the 2 and 3 rep sets, but neutral grip chins felt awesome, and that 8 rep set is my highest rep set in a little over a month.

Light back day, so finished with some hypers.

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