Tuesday, September 4, 2012

5/3/1 Full-Body: Cycle 3. Week 3. Bench

Labor Day Training

LRB Diet - Day 44

BW - 198

Hypers - 5 sets of 20

Pause Squats -
95, 135X5
155, 180, 205X3

Bench -
95, 125X5
140, 155X3

Press -
85X5, 8, 5
75X8, 5, 5, 6

Pull-Ups -
BWX2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1

Chin-Ups -
BWX5, 5, 5, 5, 6

Shitty bench session, so I broke my ass on OHP and Vertical Pulling to make up for it.  Was looking for just 4 reps on the bench, but my arms were shaky as hell, and the work sets all felt heavy.  At some point, I may just have to bite the bullet and dedicate a month or two to trying to improve this lift.  It's either that or drop it all together in favor of the stuff I really like to do, but that seems like the cowardly way out.

Decided to start doing ladders of wide-grip pull-ups to see if improving that movement will provide more volume and intensity to help maintain/improve my chins.  So I'll probably do this low-medium rep pull-ups followed by medium+ reps chins progression for awhile.  It also helps balance pulling against the additional pressing I've added on this day.

The gym was closing in 5 minutes, and I let that be my excuse to skip abs again. 

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