LRB Diet - Day 46
BW - 198
Pause Squats -
Bar, 95, 135X5
155, 180, 205X3
Klokovs -
60X5 uh...heavy
70X3 heavy, da fug
80X6 WTF?!
Deadlift -
135X5, 5
BB Shrugs -
225, 315X10
405X3, 3, 3, 3, 3
425X2, 1
445X1, 1, 1, 3
Chiro Crunches - 5 sets of 40-45
Pause Squats felt a little heavy today, but not as heavy as...
...Klokovs. As you can see from the notes above, I was completely baffled and caught off guard here. I even "got up" for the top set because I was concerned by how heavy the other work sets felt. 3 weeks ago, I hit 75 for 15, and 2 weeks ago I hit 70 for 20. It's inconceivable to me that a 5-10 lb. jump can cut my rep range down from the high-teens to the mid-single digits. I'm gonna chalk this up to fucking astrology or fatigue from Bench Day or something, and I expect to rebound next time.
Deadlifts went really well however. 270X8 projects to a # 2 all time 1RM, and is a Rep PR. What's more, the set was more about focus than straining, and I didn't walk away feeling gassed, nor do I feel wrecked today. All good signs that my favorite lift is in pretty good shape at the moment.
Wanted to start flirting with increased weights on the shrugs so instead of hitting a back off set in the 300's after my triples, I started adding 10's and doing singles. My form/ROM felt a little shitty, but I was able to get 3 on my last, all-out set. Next time I may go with 425 for the triples, and bump up to 455 for the singles.
Skipped hypers at the top of the session to make sure my back was super fresh for Deadlifting, and so finally made myself get some ab work in the session. I think that since I added in the additional shoulder work, the sessions just feel to damn long with both hypers AND crunches, so I'll have to start alternating. I'll probably settle on crunches on Squat and Deadlift day since they've got heavier low-back movements, and do hypers on Bench day.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
4 days ago
Quick question . . . I am doing the 5/3/1 BBB 3 month challenge and had been doing the straight 5/3/1 program up to that point.
Is the 5/3/1 full-body in Wendler's book? How does it compare to the base 5/3/1?
Middletown, OH
Kieron -
The full-body program is in the 2nd Edition book. There's a different version of it that Wendler put up on T-Nation here:
Here is what the two versions have in common:
3 Day Cycle.
Squat, Press, Pull every day.
The Squat is always a real squat; One day 531, the other two somewhat lighter.
So the bare bones program looks like this:
Day 1:
Squat 531,
Press 531 or other Upper Body Pressing Exercise ,
Upper Body Pulling Exercise.
Day A:
Bench 531
Upper Body Pulling Exercise
Day X:
Press 531 or other Upper Body Pressing Exercise,
Deadlift 531.
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