Friday, February 24, 2012

UB: Strong Week 6. Bench

Defranco Shoulder Mobility

Bench -
175X4 (fail on 5)

DB Bench - 65'sX10, 5

Cable Rows, Medium-width, neutral grip - X15, 12, 8

Reverse Hyper - 100X12X3

This was the final bench session of this strength phase.  So what did I decide to do?  Start close-gripping!  Ha.  This was on Paul Carter's advice that there's no better time than right now to switch to close grip and start saving my shoulder.  And lookee:  I only missed my target for this cycle by one rep!  That could mean that I was too conservative with my target originally, but whatever.  Bench PR.  Killed two birds with one stone.

I still did the DB Bench 50% set even though it's the end of the program.  I've got the calories coming in, might as well used them.  Rep PR.

I decided to drop the dips here in favor of some light rowing.  Since I think the strain in my mid-back is due to deadlifting with a weakness in this area, I just wanted to start getting some blood in there and greasing the groove for more and varied rowing to come.

I also hit some reverse hypers.  I'm toying with the idea of alternating reverse hypers and GHR every training session.  I've seen a lot of geared lifters talk about doing either of those movements every single day, but I don't see any reason why that can't be good for anybody.

No cardio.  Wife was making burritos, so I high-tailed it home.

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