Defranco Shoulder Mobility
Machine Neck Flexion - 25X20X3
Press -
Upright Rows - 95X12, 6
DB Laterals - 30sX12, 6
Hanging Leg Raise - BWX5, fail
Timed 1-mile run - 12:30
Hard to make myself get up and go the gym this morning, but felt fine once I got there.
Face pad on the 4-way neck machine just isn't cool. The padding is fine, but covering your face and doing this kind of thing just feels...wrong.
Press felt good. Taking plenty of rest between top sets, and really attacked that last one.
Upright rows felt strong as well. Keeping the movement under control, working the muscles. Rep PR. Time to add more weight next session.
I had to gut out the last reps on both sets of laterals, but I really wanted to be able to up the weight next week. Mission accomplished, heh.
Today was the day I was going to be better about raising my feet all the way to the bar on leg raises, but my shoulder popped on the first set, and hurt when I tried to start the 2nd. May need to move this to another day besides Shoulder day. Probably have to be bench day since my grip will be friend out by the end of Deadlift day, and I'm doing heavy conditioning instead of core work on Squat day.
I realized what I should be doing for the once-a-week heavy conditioning in this phase is rotating through the various conditioning drills I'll be doing on the next phase. So 2 weeks ago I did hammer and tire, last week I did sprints, and this week I did a timed mile with my wife (who wants to get in on the conditioning next phase, so I'm getting her on-board now). I laid out a four-leg mile, and we just took it easy and walked the beginning of each leg. I recorded the time for each leg as well so it will be easier to stay on pace to beat this time in future sessions. Of course, then my wife decided she didn't want to run this route and made me plan one that goes down by the beach. Oh well. It's just nice to get out an run with her.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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