Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Pivot Block. Cycle 1. Session A.

BW - 232

Waist - 43.75"

X-2-3-3 Tempo Chin-Up Negatives: BWX5, 5, 5 @~9

3-2-0 Tempo Beltless Squats: 225X5 @6.5

3-2-0 Tempo Bench: 140X5 @5

1-Arm Lat Pulldowns - 60X10 @10

I've been working out at home with training from my old coach at Kratos Strength.  This was my first day back in the barbell gym.


John said...

Welcome back!

Nealstar said...

Ha! Thanks! Hope your training is going well.

John said...

It is.. bench has been on fire for some reason, squats have been good, deads eh, but the last session went well.