Friday, August 30, 2019

Pivot Block. Cycle 1. Session A and B.

BW - 225

Session A:

5-3-0 Tempo Squat - 215X6, 6, 6 @~7

Single-Leg Horizontal Leg Press - 135X8, 8, 8 @~7

Single-Arm Chest Supported Row - 25X5, 5, 5 @7

DB Curls - 
20sX12 @~7
25sX12 @~8

Session B:

5-3-0 Tempo Bench - 125X5, 5, 5 @7/8.5

Standing DB Press - 40sX7, 7 @7, 8

Machine Pullovers - 65X10, 9 @9

Flexed Arm Hanging Curl Ups - BWX4, 4 @~9

LISS - 25 minute brisk walk home

Missed two weeks of training due to a variety of health issues.  Doctor's orders not to go to heavy pending my next specialist consultation.  So a two week pivot to prepare for what will hopefully be my next dev block. 

This was all fine, although (and I've noticed this before) it seems like after a complete layoff, RPE increase much more drastically between work sets.

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