Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Block 7. Cycle 2. Session A.

BW - 228

Waist - 42.5"

Squat -
355X1 @8
362.5X1 @8.75
367.5X1 @8.75
322.5X4, 4 @8
292.5X7 @7.5

Paused Bench - 190X4, 4, 4 @8

Deadlift w/ Straps - 345X3, 3, 3, 3 @8

Solid session even though I was dog tired running on only 4 hours of sleep.  I got an iced coffee on the commute to the gym, and just kept topping it off with water all session to keep the caffeine drip running.  Seemed like it may have helped get through.

Squats felt pretty good.  The second to last single was on the heavy side, but then the top single felt as easy if not easier.  I thought about going up one more, but I didn't want to push it with so much work still to do in the session.  Back-offs all felt very good.

I pushed the weight up a bit more than projected on both Paused Bench and DL w/ Straps.  All went pretty well.  DL felt fairly heavy, but still @~8, and it IS meant as overload, so...

Video is of top sets and final work sets in each rep range.

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