Monday, August 5, 2019

Block 7. Cycle 1. Session C.

BW - 228

Waist - 42.5"

Deadlift -
365X1 @8
370X1 @8.5
375X1 @9
330X4, 4 @~8
300X6 @8

Beltless Squat - 297.5X4, 4, 4 @~8

Single-Ply Bench - 230X3, 3, 3, 3 @8

Good session.

I had a feeling that DL was going to be better than my Training Max would indicate and it was.  This projects to be around the same e1RM as I ended the last block.  Not sure why this happened, or why I intuited it, but it was nice to have happen.  I did fatigue a bit by the end, and ended up only doing 6 reps on the last back-off set.  That set is meant to be 5-7 stopping @8, so that's fine.

I haven't done beltless worksets on Squat in a while so I had no idea what to expect.  This weight came in around 93% of Monday's belted Squat.  I was a little nervous about heavy-ish squatting with no belt, especially after DL, but it seemed fine.

A buddy at the gym gave me an extra single-ply, Inzer Blast bench shirt a while back, and I'm trying it out this block as my bench overload movement.  I cut open the back to make it easier to get on and off.  I thought I might get as much as 20% out of it, but starting off this is about 105% of Wednesday's regular bench.  Interested to see where this goes.

Video is of top sets and final work sets in each rep range.

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