Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 9. Intensity Day

BW - 228

Squat - 405X5

Press - 155X2 (fail on 3), 2, 2

Deadlift - 390X3, 3

405X5 is a Rep PR on Squat.  These felt pretty good.  The first couple of reps were a bit wonky, depth on the first, balance on the second, but the last three went pretty well.

Press didn't go so well.  The last couple of warm-ups felt heavy, so I was a bit worried about it, and then when I unracked the first work set it felt very heavy in my hands.  The 2nd rep was really tough, but I tried for a third to no avail.  Oh-kay.  So two session of triples, and forced right into doubles.  The 2nd and 3rd sets felt good though.  First and third sets shown.

Deadlifts felt very solid, but this only matches my previous 3 rep PR.  Would be looking at a PR set next week, but 2 days after this session I got sick as a dog for 3 days and couldn't get out of the house much less train.  Gonna repeat this week's middle day on Friday (hopefully), and then try to do the Week 10 #'s next week.  We'll see how it goes.  2nd Deadlift set shown.


John said...

I never saw you do 405 before. Awesome job, man! Just out of curiosity, how tall are you?

Nealstar said...

Thanks! I doubled it once last fall, but this felt better overall. Always said 5'10", but at my last physical, the nurse said 5'9".