Thursday, May 24, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 10.5. Middle Day

BW - 225

Squat - 325X5, 5, 5

Press - 135X5, 5, 5

Chin-Ups - BWX 7, 5, 4, 6 (first 3 sets before press, 4th set after)

Pull-Downs - X10, 10, 9 (straight-weight; plus "5" lbs. from last week)

BB Curls - 45X12, 10

Left adductor was killing me, but weight was fine on Squats.

After failing to get 5 reps on any sets with 140 last week, backed off to 135.  These were very hard.  Last set shown.

Chin-Ups actually felt pretty strong on the first couple of sets.  Dropped off on the third.  These sets were all done during warm-ups for Press.  Then I did the next set after Press and the strength was back.

Upped the weight on pull-downs.  Was feeling pretty fatigued, but still tried to keep rests short.  Couldn't get a clean 10th rep on the last set. 

Forearms were burning pretty good at this point which made curls kind of a bitch.  Hoping for some of the 'ol Adaptation here.

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