Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Old Man Texas Method. Week 10. Volume Day

BW - 226

Squat - 365X5, 5, 5

Bench - 202.5X5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Deadlift - 315X5, 5

Things went pretty well on this day.

365 for 3 sets of 5 ties my LP PR for Squat.  First two sets of squats were pretty hard, but something clicked for the last set, and it was the best of them.  I will say, that after my illness lay-off last week, and even though I got in last Friday and had a sort of day of "ramping back up," my legs are pretty damn sore today.  That's exactly what I was hoping Friday would mitigate, but we'll just have to see if it gives me trouble the rest of the week.  Last set shown.

Bench moved very, very well.  Didn't even feel the need for a lift-off/spot on the last set (shown).

Deadlift was also solid.  Nice and fast as this weight has been for the last 5 weeks I've had it as my work weight on Volume Day.  I've got one more week with 315, before it starts to go up.  Left-hand still feeling sore when I use it for the supinated grip.  May just need to switch to right-hand supinated for a few weeks to give it time to recover.  2nd set shown.

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