BW - 197
95X4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
DB Incline - 45sX12, 10, 10
Cable High Row -
Warm-Up - X20
Work-Sets - X13*, 20, 9 (ascending weight)
French Press - 40ishX40, 35, 12, 14
Doing this every other week instead of benching, along with some other mobility/PT stuff, to see if I can get my left shoulder to STFU.
I'd been doing 8-10 sets of 3 with 95 on PBN the last few months instead of benching. Going to keep it at 8 sets and try to slowly push the reps per set up starting from the end. So here I did 7X4 and then 1X5. That 1X5 was difficult but doable. Next time, I'll try 6X4 and 2X5, etc. When I'm doing 8X5, I'll up the weight.
Had to pull way back on the DB Incline after all that Pressing volume. I did 50sX23 just a few weeks ago.
I thought about doing the same Reverse Pec Deck that I'm doing on the Bench day, but I thought the lighter overall weights that I'm handling here gave me the opportunity to do something slightly heavier for Back. Decided I wanted to go with High Rows since the recovery shouldn't really negatively impact Deadlifting a couple days later, and it gives a slightly different stimulus than the other back work I've got on the program.
*...Unfortunately they don't have a high-row machine at my regular gym, so I had to set up at a high-cable station. I took a shot at trying them with just a lean back, but when I got to my work-sets, I was expending a lot of energy just keeping myself in position on the first set. So I stuck a DB bench up against the cable stack and was able to brace my foot against that. The jump from 13 reps to 20 reps was with the same weight; just with the different bracing. TMI.
Triceps were extended repeatedly overhead.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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