Monday, September 8, 2014

Reps and Volume. Week 2. Accessories

BW - 200

Machine Pullovers -
Warm-ups X15, 20
Work-sets X15, 13

Chins - BWX7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (31 total)

Close-Grip Pulldowns - X20, 13, 12

EZ Bar, Reverse Grip, Preacher Curls - 40ishX18, 12
super-set with
DB Press - 35sX18, 10

DB Curls - 25sX12, 10
super-set with
Rope Extensions - X20, 20

BB Curls - 50X15, 12, 9

I little out of gas from a busier than expected day.  Also at the 'away' gym, so it took an extra warm-up set here and there to find the right working weight.

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