BW - 192
Squat -
BarX10 (paused)
225X1, 1, 1
BW ladder circuit -
Squats - 5 up to 25, back down to 5
Sit-ups - 5 up to 25, back down to 5
Chins (supinated) - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 4 up to 20, back down to 4
Don't know if I screwed up somehow on my diet or if 192 is just a spike. I'll see what's up at my next weigh-in.
Legs were sore from sprints the day before, but squats were still fine. Although, I did pass on a top single of 245. Really focused on not getting over my toes this session. I got over on the last rep with 185, however.
Ladder was as strong as it's been. I was able to get a bit aggressive with some of the reps. Still had to R/P a couple of the push-ups sets, though.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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