Sunday, May 19, 2013

LRB 365: Conditioning. Week 4b. Deadlift

BW - 191

Deadlift -
135X5, 5
275X1, 1, 1

BW Ladder Circuit -
Squats - 5 up to 25, back down to 5
Sit-ups - 5 up to 25, back down to 5
Chins (supinated) - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 4 up to 20, back down to 4

191 is a BW low going back to sometime in late 2011.

Drank too much and too late the night before.  Thinking about lifting just made me want to lay down, so I backed off the weight on the deadlifts a bit and focused on speed through lock-out.

Circuit all went pretty well actually.  Only had to Rest/Pause the push-ups.  This is the easier of the two bodyweight circuits, however.

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