Friday, May 17, 2013

LRB 365: Conditioning. Week 3b. Bench

BW - 193

Bench -
95X5, 5
135X3, 3
155X1, 1, 1

BW Ladder Circuit -
Dips - 3 up to 15, back down to 3
Chins (neutral) - 2 up to 10, back down to 2
Push-ups - 3 up to 15, back down to 3
Hanging Leg-Raises - 3 up to 15, back down to 3

Switched some things up with  my diet.  193 is at least a 9 month low (maybe longer), but need to wait and see if it sustains over the next few weigh-ins.

Bench was all good, excepting the first set of 135X3 felt heavy for some reason.  Need to warm-up more?

This upper-body BW circuit is just significantly harder than the lower body day.  It's mostly having dips and push-ups in a circuit following benching, but leg raises are also harder than sit-ups.  Got through it with some rest/pause on push-ups in particular, but was sweating like crazy.

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