Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UB: Strong Week 2. Squat

Defranco Mobility

Standing Calf Raises - 245X15, 305X15, 345X15

Squat -

Front Squats - 125X10, 5

RDL - 135X10, 145X9

Inline Sprints - 30 yard sprints X 9 minutes

Weird day at the gym cuz there was a PL meet happening.

Moving up the stack on the raises FWIW.  I think it tops out at 405.

Squats felt pretty good.  Not sure about my depth, though.

Completely sure about my depth on Fronts.  Full ATG with the barest hint of a pause.  Rep PR and projected increse to the 1RM on these.

PR on RDL's as well.  I had to run back to the locker room between sets to get my straps, though.  Next week, I will bring them out with me, not use them on the first set, and try not to use them on the 2nd.  However, I don't want to lose reps because of grip.

Sprints were murder.  Probably went to all-out and couldn't get the couple more to get me to 10 minutes.  I will try to back off the pace a little next time.  However my knee is kind of bothering me, and I'm pretty sure it's from this workout.  If it's still sore come next Squat day, I will do hammer intervals instead.

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