Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Block 9. Cycle 2. Session B.

BW - 227

Waist - 43.25"

sRPE @ 7

Squats -
320X3 @7
265X16 @8

High-Bar Squats - 265X7 @8

Hip-Thrusts (Myo-Reps; 30 sec. rests) - 135X17, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @9/7

Solid, bounce-back session.

Messed up the top set of Squats and stopped one set early.  Should have been going for ~335 @8 here.  Then I lost count on the back-off set and ended up doing an extra rep, and STILL hitting under target RPE @9.  We'll try to dial that in next week.  Eventually, it will be have to be heavy enough, right?

265X7 is a Rep PR on High Bar Squats.  I dropped weight and hit a quick triple on high-bars to make sure technique was dialed-in, before jumping back up to the work weight.  Worked well.

Hip-thrusts were interesting this week.  Pushed the RPE on the top set pretty good, but all the myo-reps sets were too easy.  Probably want to up those to 6 reps each for next time.

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