Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Greyskull LP. Session 3

BW - 225

Press - 130X5, 5, 7

Chin-Ups -
BW+30X3, 3
BWX8, 6

Squats - 335X5, 5, 6

First day back lifting after a week-and-a-half layoff for Thanksgiving travelling.  Everything felt slightly off as a result, and there were no PRs to be had on the barbell lifts.

Pressing felt okay, but needed 9 for a rep pr.

One nice thing is that 255 (BW+30)X3 is a Rep PR on chins!  Gym was full, so I had to use one of the wobblier chin stations in a part of the gym that was too crowded for video.  I feel confident that the reps were consistent with what I've been doing, and the back-off sets felt pretty good too.  This is one of those days on the back-offs where it feels like I can do as many chins as I can hold my initial breath for, but after I have to take a 2nd breath the strength seems to go.

I was completely wiped when it got to squats.  Also incorporating rehab movements from my P.T. between all sets was really annoying.  I was ready to be done after I finished my last warm-up.  Still by the time I got to the AMRAP set, I was determined to get more than 5, and did.  Needed 9 for a PR.

Hopefully, this first session back will set the stage for barbell PR sets over the next few sessions.

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