BW - 222
Squat -
Bench - 190X5X5
Chins - BWX5, 3, 3
Pull-downs X6
Back was feeling okay, but power output was still low. Coach decided to see how I handled a descending set of 5 on Squats. The first 3 sets were all brutal. Final reps on every set were very slow, and I was completely gassed following the sets. On the 4th set, I cut if after 3. Just went for 3 on the final set, and all reps were strong. Definitely felt like 5 would have been easy, but it also felt good to end feeling strong(ish).
Bench sets all took focus, and I was having trouble keeping my butt down on final reps, but everything went well.
I decided DL was a bad idea after the way squat went, so I did some chins instead.
One more training session before I go out of the country on vacation for a week. We'll probably do 3X3 across instead of 1X5. Just to promote a bit more adaptation carrying through the break. We did that when I went out of town for a week for Thanksgiving, and the results were solid.
I see a lot of veteran lifters talk about "your body will let you know when it's time to back-off, if you're listening." I've been going full bore since after Thanksgiving, so maybe that's what this is. I'll go on vacation for a week, come back and ?probably? reset, and see what happens. Switch to sets of 3 on Volume and Intensity days is an option, and so is 5/3/1. Coach just switched one of the older guys in our group over to Wendler's thing because of a nagging knee issue. We'll see!
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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