Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Texas Method Team Training. Week 15. Intensity Day

BW - 226

Squat - 325X1, 2, 2

Bench -

Deadlift - 325X4

Low back was still giving me issues, so I borrowed my coaches belt for Squats and Pulls.  I've never used a belt before, so there was acclimation.  It helped quite a bit in the hole on Squat, and getting the bar to my knees on DL.

On Squat, the first set went well, so I went for a double on the 2nd.  I was going to go for 3 on the 3rd, but the 2nd rep slowed down quite a lot about 1/2 way up, so I cut it.

Failed on the 4th rep on Bench, so we dropped down and hit a back-off set.  We noticed today that on these heavier sets, I may have a habit of touching ever lower on my chest after each rep.  Something to keep an eye on.

I probably could have gotten 5 on the DL, but I'm going out of the country on vacation this week, and I didn't see the need to risk something happening for that one rep.

Looking forward to my break, and then picking this back up afterwards.

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