Thursday, July 16, 2015


BW - 210

Seated, CG Front Presses -

DB Preacher Curls - 25sX20, 20, 15, 15

DB Hammer Curls - 40sX6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Shoulder Cuff work

McGill Curl-Ups - X25
Side Planks - 60sec. each side
Bird-Dogs - 25 each side

Never done seated front presses before.  Kept the grip close (index on the smooth) and elbows forward to try and put more pressure on the triceps.  All these weights were crisp.  The unrack was the "heaviest" part.  Will move the back-off weight up to 95 next time.  Should be able to work with that weight for awhile.

One-arm preacher curls were kind of awkward at first.  Never done them before.  Never really gone this heavy on hammer curls, either.  Lots of firsts today.

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