Tuesday, July 14, 2015


BW - 210

CG Incline -

Incline Curls - 25sX20, 20, 15, 15

PJR Pullovers - 50X20

Core Work:
Curl-Ups - X20
Side-Planks - 60 sec. each side
Bird-Dog - 60 sec. each "side"

I've got some kind of low back issue going on.  There was no precipitating event, it just started getting twingey and got worse over the course of a week.  So I didn't lift for a week, and went to the chiro.  I'll give it a couple more weeks, and then I've got an appointment with a PT to see about my shoulder, and I will discuss the back with him as well.

Decided to take 4 or so weeks and do the LRB Arms specialization program.  Something to do while I'm figuring out what's up with my back.

Started conservative on the close-grip inclines, but I can bump up the weight for next week.

Incline curls were done both arms at the same time with a supinated grip throughout.  Tough.

I was worried about the PJR pullovers with my back, but I was just extra cautious getting in and out of the movement, and it's only one set, and it was fine.

Added some of the Stuart McGill recommended core exercises.  I need to do some more reading on these to understand sets/reps/time to hold, etc.

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