Chin-Ups (neutral grip) - BWX10
One-Arm Pull-Downs, slow eccentric - 50X10X2
super-set with
DB Side Presses - 35sX10, 40sX10
DB Bent-Over Raises - 30X10, 20X15X2
BB Curl, cheat-up/slow eccentric - 75X5X3
CORE Circuit X2
Push-Ups - BWX25
Last day of the program. In 12 weeks, I've gone from barely being able to get 1 strict chin to a 10 rep PR. That is on top of an 8-10 lb. weight gain, BTW. Results speak for themselves.
Slow eccentric back work sucks hard in the session, and feels uncomfortable the next day.
Never done side-presses before. Kind of fun/kind of awkward.
The chrome bar was occupied, so I had to used a regular bar for m'curls. Where's the love?
Another successful core circuit. Feeling good about that...
...until I fail to get more than 25 push-ups. Well, I suppose all the whiskey I drank the night before to celebrate my show opening could have contributed as I felt like absolute crap today. I managed to power through with everything except the push-ups. Oh well, staying humble.
I feel like this program did what I needed it to do. I've established a new baseline for strength and general athleticism. I went for my first run in a couple of months yesterday, and had more wind and endurance than I did before the program. That combined with all the PRs, and that my weight has increased while my waist hasn't all goes to show the effectiveness of this program. At this point, I still believe I should run it again this time next year. Regarding the ME movements, I will pick whatever seems lagging at the time between assorted presses, and squat/DL. On to 531!
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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