Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Greyskull LP. Session 3

BW - 225

Press - 130X5, 5, 7

Chin-Ups -
BW+30X3, 3
BWX8, 6

Squats - 335X5, 5, 6

First day back lifting after a week-and-a-half layoff for Thanksgiving travelling.  Everything felt slightly off as a result, and there were no PRs to be had on the barbell lifts.

Pressing felt okay, but needed 9 for a rep pr.

One nice thing is that 255 (BW+30)X3 is a Rep PR on chins!  Gym was full, so I had to use one of the wobblier chin stations in a part of the gym that was too crowded for video.  I feel confident that the reps were consistent with what I've been doing, and the back-off sets felt pretty good too.  This is one of those days on the back-offs where it feels like I can do as many chins as I can hold my initial breath for, but after I have to take a 2nd breath the strength seems to go.

I was completely wiped when it got to squats.  Also incorporating rehab movements from my P.T. between all sets was really annoying.  I was ready to be done after I finished my last warm-up.  Still by the time I got to the AMRAP set, I was determined to get more than 5, and did.  Needed 9 for a PR.

Hopefully, this first session back will set the stage for barbell PR sets over the next few sessions.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Greyskull LP. Session 2

BW - 225

Bench - 185X5, 5, 10

Chin-Ups - BWX7, 5, 5
super-set with
Dips - BWX10, 10

Deadlift - 275X10

Kind of a low-intensity, medium RPE day.  I'd been sick for a few days, and then really busy, and that kept me out of the gym for about a week and a half.  And I'm about to be out of town for a week for Thanksgiving.  So I didn't want to think of this as a "regular" programming day, and decided to push some lighter weight on the barbell lifts, and just get some volume in on the bodyweight movements. 

All that being said, 185X10 is a Rep PR on Bench.  Probably RPE 8.  One more rep without a spotter for sure.

No weight added for Chins and Dips.  Just getting some volume in, especially on Dips following a higher rep set of Bench.

I was really close to pulling 405, and I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do on DL.  With being sick and away from the gym, I didn't feel confident coming in and pulling a heavy double.  And about to be gone for a week, I was worried about how that would effect my training.  Ultimately, I decided to be conservative.  Reset the DL along with everything else, but also plan to advance with 10 lb. jumps for a while.  The goal is to try and get DL to pull even with squats on intensity, and then drop to 5 lb. jumps.

275X10 matches a Deadlift PR, hilariously, from October, 2012.  I didn't know that when I went into this.  The Greyskull reset was going to have me starting at 295XAMRAP where 9 would be a PR, so I just decided to do 275X10 today.  When I went to look this up later, it turns out I haven't gone over 7 reps on DL since May of 2014, and hadn't gone over 8 since 2012. 

What was surprising about the movement itself, was how fatigued my actual legs started getting.  I squatted 285X10 as recently as June of this year, so that was unexpected.  Still, everything felt solid, and looks okay.  I'll be gone for a week, and then I'll come back and really start the GSLP in earnest after the holiday.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Greyskull LP. Session 1

BW - 226.3

Press - 127.5X5, 5, 9

Chin-Ups -
BW+25X5, 5
BWX10, 5

Squats - 330X5, 5, 9

127.5X9 is a Rep PR in press.  Felt pretty solid.

No PR on Chins, but I did complete the 2nd set of 5 with +25 that I missed last week.  On to +30!  No video of this.

I've switched over to the full GSLP for this reset to see how that works out, and I was pretty tired and not feeling like squatting.  Also, I'd gone to the PT before the gym to see about this adductor issue, so it was later than usual.  PT thinks I'm got limited internal rotation mobility in my right hip, and he gave me some stuff to do.  I was doing it before and between every single squat set.  I did get fired up for my final set here after spotting a guy with 465X4, so I was ready for the final set.  330X9 is a Rep PR.  The video is off center and terrible.

Be interesting to see how it goes squatting last.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Novice LP. Session 69 (Greyskull Squats and Press)

BW - 225.9

Bench -
217.5X5, 5

Squat - 325X5, 5, 9

BW+25X5, 4
BWX9, 5

245X2 is an all-around PR on Bench.  I was supposed to do 242.5, but I'm ready for a reset, and so said 'fuck it.'  Jumped to more of a milestone.  RPE 9.5.  Back-off sets felt strong.  2nd back-off shown.  Will now reset Bench to the GSLP.

325X9 is a Rep PR on Squats.  Gave my legs a week off after hitting 405X2 in the hopes that rest and a GSLP reset would allow the adductor strain to fade away, but it came roaring back on these sets.  Next thing will probably be to meet with a P.T., and probably plan a longer lay-off of squats around our annual Thanksgiving trip.  Still this was maybe RPE 8.5.  Definitely could have gotten one more.

351(BW+25)X5 is a Rep PR.  Failed the 5th rep on set 2 (shown in video).  I will run this back next session and see if I can hit both sets.  First BW set felt surprisingly strong, and thought I was gonna run to 10, but the bottom dropped out as it usually does on this movement for me.