Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Chin-Up War Pivot. Day A.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 224

Chins - BWX8, 4 @9.5/8

CS Rows - 135X8, 7 @7.5/8

GHR - BWX14, 12 @9.5/9

1-Arm DB OH Extensions - 25X13, 10 @10

BB Curls - 85X8(PR), 6(PR) @~8

Reduced volume and intensity and swapping out Chin-Up Accessories this week.

85X8 and for 2 sets of 6+ are Rep and Volume PRs on Curls.  I didn't even know that at the time.  Nice to get some PRs at lower RPE.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day C.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @7/8

Pull-Downs - X14, 11, 10, 10 @10

CG Cambered Bench - 
-    up to 205X1 @9
-    155X5, 5 @7.5/8.5

Leg Curls - X12, 9 @10

Bayesian Curls - X11, 10, 8 @10

Gonna pivot next week with reduced volume on upper back and biceps work, RPE caps ~8 across the board, and swapping out upper back and biceps accessories.  I want to let some of the general fatigue (achiness, sleep and mood disruption, etc.) dissipate a bit if I can.  

Will start upping volume and RPE again after that.  It's very possible that I can't run another 5 weeks after that, but we'll see.  Just want to shore up these chin-up gains and at least see if I can make some more before switching focus.

This block has already been a general success with some Rep and Volume PRs on Chins and Curls.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day B.

sRPE @8
BW - 226

Chin-Ups - BWX2, 2, 2 @~8

Lat Pushdowns - X10, 8, 6 @ 10

ATG Pause Squats - 
-    up to 275X1 @7.5
-    185X5, 5 @6/7

Pushdowns - X16, 14 @9.5

DB Hammer Curls - 35sX13, 10, 8 @~10

Sleep has been bad for a few nights, and I was really dragging ass coming into this session.  I thought about swapping out Squats for something easier, but decided to just get the volume in at an easier weight.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day A.

sRPE @9
BW - 224

Chins - BWX8(PR), 6(PR), 4, 4 @~10

DB Rows - 100X11, 10, 8 @~10

GHR - BWX13, 11 @~10

DB OH Extensions - 45X13, 10 @9/10

BB Curls - 75X16(PR), 12, 12(PR) @~10

224 BWX8 is a Rep PR on Chins, and for 2 sets of 6+ is a Volume PR.

On Curls, 73X16 is a Rep PR, and 3 sets of 12+ is a Volume PR.

Things are getting a bit gut busting, so I think I'll push through this week, and then do a slight pivot to some different accessories.

However, my Chin-Up and Curl strength have increased by over 10% from where I started this block.  By my metrics, Chin-Ups are no longer (currently) my worst lift.  I want to do another block to see if I can at least shore up these gains if not make more, and then I'll switch focus to something else.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 4. Day C.

sRPE @8
BW - 226

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @6.5/7

Pull-Downs - X17, 12, 10, 9 @10

Copenhagen Planks - BWX21, 14 @10

Dips - 
-    up to BW+70X2 @10
-    BW+45X5, 5 @9/9.5

Bayesian Curls - X14, 9 @~10

Ok session.  Starting to get some nagging shoulder discomfort outside the gym.  I'll see how this week goes, and then maybe do a slight deload and/or pivot to some different movements.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 4. Day B.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @7/8

Lat Pushdowns - X14, 11, 10 @10

Triceps Pushdowns - X15, 10 @10

DB Hammer Curls - 35sX12, 8 @10

-    up to 345X1(PR) @9.5
-    275X5, 5 @7.5/8.5

Solid session.  Pushed SLDL to the end so I could train it alongside a friend. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 4. Day A.

sRPE @7
BW - 225

Chins - BWX7(PR), 5, 4, 4 @10

1-Arm DB Rows w/Strap - 100X11(?PR?), 9 @~10

Belt Squat - 105X10, 10 @~8

EZ OH Extensions - 55X11, 10 @~10

BB Curls - 75X15(PR), 10 @9/10

7 reps of Chins at this BW is a PR, and also got another PR set of Curls.  

I think my heaviest set of DB Rows is 100X9, so that set of 11 is probably a PR too, but I haven't been keeping a log of my DB Row PRs.  I was supposed to do 3 sets today, but I forgot.  I'll likely stay at 100 next week while I add that extra set in.