Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chin-Up War Pivot. Day B.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 222

Chin-Ups - BWX3, 2 @7.5/6.5

Machine Pullovers - X12, 10 @8

-    up to 335X1 @9
-    275X5, 5 @~7.5

Rope Pushdowns - X9, 8 @10

Rope Curls - X6, 6, @8/9

Nice easy session except for SLDL.  Mental fatigue definitely dissipating quickly as sleep has been good again for several nights in a row, and I'm having to hold myself back from pushing sets harder in the gym.  Expect some of the physical fatigue will continue to dissipate as well, and I'm hoping to feel great to start pushing again next week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Chin-Up War Pivot. Day A.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 224

Chins - BWX8, 4 @9.5/8

CS Rows - 135X8, 7 @7.5/8

GHR - BWX14, 12 @9.5/9

1-Arm DB OH Extensions - 25X13, 10 @10

BB Curls - 85X8(PR), 6(PR) @~8

Reduced volume and intensity and swapping out Chin-Up Accessories this week.

85X8 and for 2 sets of 6+ are Rep and Volume PRs on Curls.  I didn't even know that at the time.  Nice to get some PRs at lower RPE.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day C.

sRPE @7.5
BW - 225

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @7/8

Pull-Downs - X14, 11, 10, 10 @10

CG Cambered Bench - 
-    up to 205X1 @9
-    155X5, 5 @7.5/8.5

Leg Curls - X12, 9 @10

Bayesian Curls - X11, 10, 8 @10

Gonna pivot next week with reduced volume on upper back and biceps work, RPE caps ~8 across the board, and swapping out upper back and biceps accessories.  I want to let some of the general fatigue (achiness, sleep and mood disruption, etc.) dissipate a bit if I can.  

Will start upping volume and RPE again after that.  It's very possible that I can't run another 5 weeks after that, but we'll see.  Just want to shore up these chin-up gains and at least see if I can make some more before switching focus.

This block has already been a general success with some Rep and Volume PRs on Chins and Curls.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day B.

sRPE @8
BW - 226

Chin-Ups - BWX2, 2, 2 @~8

Lat Pushdowns - X10, 8, 6 @ 10

ATG Pause Squats - 
-    up to 275X1 @7.5
-    185X5, 5 @6/7

Pushdowns - X16, 14 @9.5

DB Hammer Curls - 35sX13, 10, 8 @~10

Sleep has been bad for a few nights, and I was really dragging ass coming into this session.  I thought about swapping out Squats for something easier, but decided to just get the volume in at an easier weight.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 5. Day A.

sRPE @9
BW - 224

Chins - BWX8(PR), 6(PR), 4, 4 @~10

DB Rows - 100X11, 10, 8 @~10

GHR - BWX13, 11 @~10

DB OH Extensions - 45X13, 10 @9/10

BB Curls - 75X16(PR), 12, 12(PR) @~10

224 BWX8 is a Rep PR on Chins, and for 2 sets of 6+ is a Volume PR.

On Curls, 73X16 is a Rep PR, and 3 sets of 12+ is a Volume PR.

Things are getting a bit gut busting, so I think I'll push through this week, and then do a slight pivot to some different accessories.

However, my Chin-Up and Curl strength have increased by over 10% from where I started this block.  By my metrics, Chin-Ups are no longer (currently) my worst lift.  I want to do another block to see if I can at least shore up these gains if not make more, and then I'll switch focus to something else.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 4. Day C.

sRPE @8
BW - 226

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @6.5/7

Pull-Downs - X17, 12, 10, 9 @10

Copenhagen Planks - BWX21, 14 @10

Dips - 
-    up to BW+70X2 @10
-    BW+45X5, 5 @9/9.5

Bayesian Curls - X14, 9 @~10

Ok session.  Starting to get some nagging shoulder discomfort outside the gym.  I'll see how this week goes, and then maybe do a slight deload and/or pivot to some different movements.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Chin-Up War Week 4. Day B.

sRPE @6.5
BW - 223

Chins - BWX2, 2, 2 @7/8

Lat Pushdowns - X14, 11, 10 @10

Triceps Pushdowns - X15, 10 @10

DB Hammer Curls - 35sX12, 8 @10

-    up to 345X1(PR) @9.5
-    275X5, 5 @7.5/8.5

Solid session.  Pushed SLDL to the end so I could train it alongside a friend.