BW - 210
105X11, 6
super-set with
Chin-Ups - BWX10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4 (38 total reps)
DB Rows - 65X20, 18
Machine Pullover - X15 (burn-out set)
RG Preacher Curls - 50ishX15, 10
super-set with
DB Press - 40sX20, 10
DB Curls - 30sX15, 12
super-set with
Rolling Triceps - 30sX15, 12
Mixed session. 105X11 is a Rep PR and together with the 17 total reps meets my goal for that weight. Move up to 115 next week.
Because my low back strain is lingering and I haven't done my regular Deadlift day in a few weeks, I decided to replace pull-downs with DB rows for a while so that in the meantime I'm getting a more well-rounded approach to Back.
I didn't seem to have any gas left by the time I got to Arms. Except for DB Press where the 40sX20 is an all-around PR. However, I got less reps on everything else with the same weight as last week.
I also sat up after the last set of Rolling Triceps with the weight still over my chest, and re-aggravated my low back a bit. Yay. I will probably just take this entire week off from training to try and get this healed. If arm training is going to aggravate it, what could be safe?
Is one set enough to build muscle?
2 days ago
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