BW - 229
Squat -
Press -
140X5, 5
Chin-Ups - BW; 31 Reps, 8 Sets
Had the day off and so trained a bit earlier than usual. I usually don't perform well in the gym on a day off, but this was particularly poor performance. I knew coming in that something was off, so tried moving Squats to the front of the workout so that I would be "fresh," but it didn't help. The top-set was brutal and wiped me out for the back-down set. Press was more of the same. Did get some more reps on chins, though.
I'll be switching back over to Texas Method with 3X5 on volume day. If that's not enough to drive progress after a few weeks, I'm prepared to switch to HLM instead. Full, 5X5 Texas Method buried me last time and I'm not interested in revisiting it.
Is one set enough to build muscle?
5 days ago
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